The world of work is changing. We're making policy change too.

More and more people are going into freelancing seeking freedom and flexibility. We're working to make sure politicians recognise this and make the UK a good place for them to do business. We can only do that with a strong voice behind us, and that's why we need your support. 


 Join IPSE today and help shape the future of freelancing.

Join IPSE today


How are we making change?

We make a lot of noise

1. Campaigns

Our Policy and External Affairs team work with Government, Parliament and right across the political landscape to make the UK a fairer place to be freelance or self-employed.


See campaigns


We find the root cause

2. Research

Our Research team works to shed light on the reality of self-employment in the UK. With surveys and reports, they help us understand your needs and interests so we can champion them in government and across the business landscape. 


Research hub Explore FCI


Get involved

Find out about the latest policy news and how you can get involved in our campaigns.

Download our Manifesto


Ahead of the 2024 General Election, IPSE launched a manifesto calling for a range of new policies to support the UK's booming self-employed workforce. 

Download the manifesto



 Join IPSE today and help us shape the future of freelancing 

Where next?


Campaign hub


Research hub

