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Making learning agile

The term ‘agile’ is increasing in prominence in today’s business world. Although it may have slightly different connotations when used within the context of work, it can be applied to the way we learn too. 


According to QA, one of the top UK training providers, learning agility refers to “the capability which describes a person’s speed and willingness to learn, that allows them to stay flexible, grow from mistakes and rise to a diverse array of challenges”.  

So, to celebrate IPSE’s partnership with QA – who offer a 45 per cent discount on a range of Agile technical training courses – here are a few ways freelancers can adopt this agile mantra and aide their professional development. 

1.    Flexibility
A flexible approach to learning is essential for the development of a freelancer – especially given their unpredictable lifestyles and work schedules. Learning doesn’t have to take place from a classroom and professional courses or live workshops are no longer the only way to learn. By being flexible in your approach to learning, you will be able to access a range of learning solutions that meet your specific needs – whether that’s live formal training or self-paced, online courses. 

2.    Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately discern both your own emotions and those of others in such a way that you can see things objectively and take the appropriate actions necessary for progress. It plays a significant role in your development as a freelancer because it enables you to make a balanced assessment of your strengths and weaknesses and take the right steps to progress your business. 

3.    Reflective practice
One of the major ways we learn is by doing: being involved in an activity and reflecting on it in the process. In many circumstances the best way to learn is through practice. We create new neural pathways when we experience something new, so it is important to seek out experiences to learn from. There is so much to be learnt by developing the habit of asking for feedback and seeing every business challenge as a learning opportunity. 

4.    Resilience 
Resilience helps you identify how you can turn potential problems into opportunities to grow and develop. This attitude doesn’t only help you learn in the process but enables you to handle and adapt well to stressful situations. As a result, you can deal with uncertainties on your freelance journey in a reactive and agile manner.  

QA’s training courses cover areas such as project management, business analysis, software development and Scrum training. Find out more about IPSE’s partnership with QA here

Meet the author

Olaitan Ajimobi

Education and Training Officer