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IPSE Board elections 2018

We are facing two particular challenges in 2018. 

Firstly, IPSE has an ambitious strategy to develop its services, support and influence as the champion of self-employment and the self-employed. The calibre of the Board is central to shaping and achieving this strategic ambition. 

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Secondly, and somewhat unusually, there are four Board positions to be filled. This provides an exciting opportunity for new Directors to gain perhaps their first non-executive experience – but it also means that we are looking for candidates with a real breadth and depth of professional experience, commercial insight and intellectual and personal strengths to step up to this challenge. 

Serving as a Director is one of the important ways in which IPSE members can contribute to the strategic leadership of the organisation and thus the many thousands of people it supports and represents. The Board shapes IPSE’s strategy, holds the executive team to account and has a legal responsibility for the running of this c£6m, multidisciplinary business and professional services company employing around 35 staff.

You will find further information on this website, and in the candidate pack, about the IPSE Board, the role of a Director and the attributes and background we are looking for. You will already be aware that some aspects of these duties are governed by company law and others by IPSE’s own Articles of Association and Rules, which are also available in the About Us section of the IPSE website.

It is not – nor should it be – easy to get elected to the IPSE Board, but it is my aim that the process to do so should be reasonable and proportionate, enabling you to demonstrate your qualities to those involved in making the appointment. 

While you are thinking about this, a couple of observations:

•    Judgment, perspective and common sense: you don’t need to be an expert on IPSE right now to be a credible candidate. You might have gained the experience and qualities we are looking for in all sorts of situations: at work, in your community or in other membership organisations. Yes, we want candidates who are passionate about what IPSE does and stands for – but the Board also needs Directors with the intelligence to see the bigger picture.

•    If you’re going to be a candidate, be a 100 per cent candidate: members who engage in the process with enthusiasm, commitment and focus are those who do best. Read up on IPSE’s governance, history and what it does, and show how your experience and knowledge can add value to what we do now and in the future. 

If this sounds like you, then please think seriously about putting yourself forward. And good luck!

Robin Murray Brown
Independent Chairman, IPSE Nominations Committee

To learn more about the Board and to apply, click here.

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IPSE is the leading association for contractors, consultants, interims, freelancers and the self-employed. We strive to bring our members the most comprehensive and useful range of information and services and all the latest news about what affects your business.

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