Upcoming Events

Social media for your business: What to look out for in 2024

  • Webinar

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However, we run over 100 events (both virtual and in-person) throughout the year.  Please feel free to search through our upcoming events where you can get the latest insights for your business and the world of self-employment. 


In this online event, you will hear from chartered marketer and social media expert Luan Wise on what you should look out for in 2024 from the social media giants LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook.  What changes are they making that you need to know about? Luan will be making some predictions for the year ahead.

We will also look back to the past year and discuss what important updates to the social media networks mean for you and your business.


There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during the webinar but you can also submit questions in advance when you register.


Luan Wise is a chartered marketer and fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. In addition to running her consultancy and training business Luan has worked as a LinkedIn Learning course instructor since 2015 and as an accredited lead trainer for Meta since 2019. She is the curator and editor of The Lighthouse.

This webinar is free to attend for IPSE members and non-members.