
At IPSE we are there for independent professionals no matter how or where they work. We understand the importance of organisations supporting freelancers and the self-employed in their communities. In recognition of the work being done by individuals and groups IPSE have developed an Ambassador programme to enhance and complement their activities.


Who can be an IPSE Ambassador?

Any individual or business that promotes the flexible economy and support independent professionals in their communities. This includes other membership organisations, support groups, networking groups, knowledge hubs and co-working spaces.

Support Offered

  • Ambassador profile on the IPSE Website
  • Monthly updates on what IPSE is doing, including research projects, results and policy initiatives and focus
  • Promotion of your events through our online calendar and social media channels 
  • IPSE representation at your events
  • Involvement with IPSE Research
  • Involvement with IPSE Policy
  • Discounts on IPSE membership for your network

Register your interest

Our Ambassadors

Luan Wise

Luan Wise is a Chartered Marketer and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, with over 20 years’ experience in agency, client-side, and consultancy roles. Luan has been freelancing since 2011, supporting clients as a consultant, and providing training via webinars, open workshops and in-house programmes. Luan has written multiple books about social media marketing and shares social media news and updates via her resource website,

Freelance Mum

Freelance Mum is a networking group established by voiceover artist Faye Dicker – born of her own need of running her own business around motherhood! With restricted child-free time and unable to make connections, she realised there was a huge need for fellow freelance parents to meet up WITH their children. And if it didn’t exist, then she’d have to invent it!

Being Freelance

The podcast and community where creative freelancers chat about being, well, freelance. Since 2015 over 100 freelancers have shared their freelance stories, tips and advice with founder Steve Folland. 2019 started with the launch of the Being Freelance Community. Steve also become the co-host of a second podcast for freelance parents: Doing It For The Kids podcast (DIFTK).



Join our community

From side hustles and freelancers to limited company directors and umbrella company workers, the world of self-employment is incredibly diverse. That's why IPSE membership is tailored to the different ways in which self-employed people work.  

community membership
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Kickstart membership
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Freelancer membership
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Umbrella membership
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director membership
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