Birkbeck University

Workshops & Events

Throughout the year, we bring a range of speakers to campus, from founders to business leaders, to share their experiences and journey in their career to where they are now.

We have an Audience With series – providing a platform for an inspiring entrepreneur to share their story each term in an intimate setting, as well as a series of events to motivate and network with our students.


An extra-curricular short course for students interested in enterprise and entrepreneurship, looking to develop the knowledge and skills to excel as an entrepreneur, or simply develop an entrepreneurial mind-set with fundamental skills that will be invaluable for their future careers.

This is an 8-part course with a monthly workshop from November–June around a particular area of entrepreneurship, delivered by an entrepreneur or expert in their field.

This year we have partnered with Santander to open the course to all students across our five Schools and have places for hundreds of students to take part. 


Bootcamps: IPSE

Teaming up with IPSE as a partner university – the Association for Independent Professionals & the Self Employed - we host a hands-on Bootcamp each term focussing on developing students’ freelance ventures.

Students will meet successful self-employed individuals and learn from the experts, as well as gaining a free IPSE Student membership for the year.


Enterprise 1:1s

We offer 1:1 meetings with students to discuss their business ideas and provide initial guidance to get their ideas off the ground as well as signposting to useful resources and support across London.

We’re also excited to develop a network of mentors to support enterprise students with their business ideas who can benefit from support with those who have been there and done it.


Digital Resources

Lynda – Over 5,000 courses and 200,000 tutorials on an extensive range of topics. A chance for students to learn new skills, explore new technologies and gain certification

Online Careers Portal – Our online portal provides current students access to thousands of resources, training sessions and advice for their career, including dedicated enterprise modules to boost their skills.


Monthly Newsletter

Sent towards the end of every month – full of updates on relevant events around campus plus opportunities around London to get involved with, from start-up competitions to networking events.



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