Webinar - The CV & LinkedIn Blueprint to More Contracts, at Higher Rates, More Often

We will be covering the following:

  • The sure-fire way to networking and business development for Independent Professionals (The D-A-B-S-U-N formula)
  • Methods to optimise your CV for recruitment software, so your CV doesn’t get rejected before it is even read by a human
  • Ways to avoid the single biggest CV mistake that 50% of Independent Professionals make
  • Your path to use value proposition statements and case studies to maximise your value to potential clients
  • The reasons your LinkedIn profile is failing and how to make changes to drive recruiter / client enquiries
  • The strategies you can use in an interview / client meeting to get the ‘right’ offer every time

This webinar is recorded so you won't be able to ask questions but you can hear the Q&A from the live session. 

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